Thursday, July 30, 2009

What the eyes can't see 41

It looks like we come from a line of ancestors that were great thinkers and master craftsmen, but above and beyond that, as we read through the bible we find another side to man. According to the Scriptures, there are consequences when we reject the overwhelming evidence that God exists. I want to look at those consequences.The facts show that man has always been man. The artifacts that have been left to us by ancient civilizations agree exactly with the biblical perspective, that man was created and had tremendous abilities and attributes. And when we look at the major accomplishments of the ancient civilizations, the cities that they built, towers,
ziggurats, pyramids, their ability to alloy minerals together, what does it say? The biblical creation view can be supported by the evidence. The evidence is overwhelming, but still the majority of intellectuals worldwide have chosen to discredit creation and accept evolution.
From the time of mans downfall in the garden of Eden, there has been a side to him of continually trying to replace God with other gods.The city of Babylon was built by survivors of the flood. They were in rebellion to God and built a tower to reach the heavens to communicate with the spirit world. You cannot understand biblical history unless you understand that God has an adversary, Satan, who has followers, the fallen angels. And man, as we are going to see throughout history has constantly been involved in communicating with that dimension which God forbids
Archaeology shows us this, all over the world, we see the sudden emergence of great civilizations who built cities, temples and pyramids, like those in Egypt, Indonesia, or in Central America, in fact all over the world. These people were worshipping the gods. They believed the sun, moon, and the earth is god. We see this in the archaeological remains of great civilizations.Today because of mans insistence of trying to do his own thing and not accept Gods word, we are diversifying, and headed in all directions each claiming to be the wAdd Imageay, and evolution seems to be playing a leading role in the unification of all these alternative beliefs. In October 1996, the papers reported and it can be documented that Pope John Paul, at a meeting before the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, said, "Truth cannot contradict truth." He said, "The Bible said God created. But scientists have proven that evolution is true, so God used evolution to create." Basically what is happening man is not quite sure of what truth is, so instead of trusting in Gods word, they for fear of looking foolish, just go with the flow. When we talk of worshiping other gods we always tend to look way back into the past, but in reality if you just look around today, you will find that man is heading for some kind of a unification of religions, in order to find peace, on our own terms. For fear that the bible may be wrong in some areas, many Christians are also looking to the world for answers. Where is it all leading?

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