Friday, July 10, 2009

What the eyes can't see 23

I want to re look at our two options for a moment and see which one is easier to accept and why?
The first option gave credit to a process of innumerable accidental random events, culminating in life as we see it today. It seems obvious, by this statement and the odds concerned, that this choice would be an almost ludicrous one. Then why is it, that more often than not, its this road that the multitudes take? By the way the bible tells us exactly this, amazing for a book that's so old!
Mat 7:13 For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. If you are given a choice of roads, to take to work, the first being the highway, it's well tared, the most direct and by far the quickest, it has only one drawback, that of its a high fatal accident rate. Then there is a more scenic but far longer route, the surface is filled with potholes and the ride is often very bumpy, but it is far safer.Which do you take? I think we all know the answer to this. The reason that so many people choose this road is because, it the most accepted one, unfortunately, due to indoctrination, disguised as education. What am I saying? Blatantly put! People are being taught, and unconditionally accept, a theories,(something that is not yet proven), even those with surmounting, inconceivable odds against their probability. What we are taught is not always right, even if it seems the the whole world is leaning in that direction. It is those thinking outside of this box, using their own initiatives, that bring about true enlightenment. It was once an accepted fact, that the world was flat and people who contended otherwise were put to death.
Perhaps the following will help illustrate what I seem to be battling to accurately define. I grew up in South Africa at a time when white people ( that is people of pale complexion and I must add, not only you, but your family as well) were accepted. We had "whites only" train coaches; "whites only" toilets; "whites only" schools; "whites only" housing areas, the bulk of jobs were for "whites only", and not to mention, even some churches. We were brought up believing that other races were barbaric, mostly heathen and communistic. I was drafted into the armed forces, as were all young white men, we were told that at all cost we were to defend our country against these people, many gave their lives for this cause.How could this happen? That's not too difficult to see, we were living in a box, and being taught some ridiculous theory or belief system, of the then already indoctrinated majority. Maybe Darwin was right, there seems to be a link here, between man and sheep, where one leads the others follow.
I almost forgot! There were two options, the other being about, God the Creator, here I rest my case, God speaks for Himself, its only up to us to listen. Stop being one of the sheep.
Mat 7:15 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

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