Thursday, July 9, 2009

What the eyes can't see 21

Before moving on let me just mention a few "fools" from the past who might be recognizable, they all believed in a Creator as in biblical terms. I have kept this list in order of their birth years and listed one or two of the achievements of the possibly less well known, for those of us who might not yet have reached the esteemed position of educated enlightenment. I must however say that we can count ourselves fortunate to be found in such company as the following. Sir Francis Bacon 1561-1642 Philosopher and scientist; Galileo Galilei 1564-1642; Blaise Pascal 1623-1662; Isaac Newton 1642-1727; John Dalton 1766-1844 Father of modern atomic theory; Micheal Faraday 1791-1867 Electromagnetic s; James Joule 1818-1889 Thermodynamics; Louis Pasteur 1822-1895; William Thomson, Lord Kelvin 1824-1907. This very short list comes from a list of thousands of like minded individuals, listed for those of you who might fear humiliation on the grounds of so called science in relation to your biblical Creation beliefs. For those who choose to scoff, open your eyes and you too might see what even the "fools" can see.
There are those who say the reason that Christians turn to God is for an easy way out, and a release from the realities of life. And I thought it was us who were delusional, best you start reading the bible again, this time take a closer look at words like anger; wrath; obedience; destruction and persecution to name but a few. Christianity is and has always been the most ridiculed and persecuted way of life known to man kind, and with good reason, wouldn't you like to know? In the next few weeks I want to compare two view points, those of biblical beliefs and those of the supposedly more educated. Before closing the book, swallow just a little pride, as I'm sure many others of true caliber have done over the decades, and give God a fair hearing He does listen, you might be surprised.

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