Tuesday, July 21, 2009

what The eyes can't see 32

Now that we have looked at the downfalls of the so called technologically advanced as well as the other more archaic processes of dating, we can proceed to explore the application of biblical dating account. At this point I just want to say that, with God all things are possible, and once you place your trust in Him, the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. I'm not asking anyone to have blind faith, however could anyone please explain to me what it means when you believe in something never proven to be a fact namely evolution or any of its proponents? At least my belief in God brings about salvation through the blood of His Son, and the dwelling of His Spirit within me, is tangible and truth.
I would like to play around a bit with the speed of light in this session, because its something that has always intrigued me, so please bare with me as I try to come up with my own hypothesis. Lets look at what the bible says, and put it into some kind of practical demonstration, remember I'm just toying with an idea here, is this not what all great scientists do? In Genesis Gen1:16-17 it states that god made the stars and then set them in the sky, now imagine if you were able to throw a light source, in this case a star, we'll make it a very small one, something you could manage, into space and it traveled thousands even millions of miles away. When would you first see its light? Well this seems fairly obvious I would say, as long as you were in the place where you threw it from, you would see the the light immediately and into the future, provided that the star you threw does itself not exceed the speed of light. So there we have it, no complicated calculations needed, keeping it simple. What I am proposing is that we are in fact living within the location where God set the stars in the heavens from.Now let me say that, this theory can be proved, at least the part about the light always being here and not needing millions of years to reach us. This is more or less what we have to put up with from our scientific community, only with a lot more calculations attached. Even in the big bang theory, everything started at one point and if we were at the centre then the same would apply, anyway there you have it, even I can make you think, it was great fun doing this, I must try it again.
2 Peter1:19 And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.

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