Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What the eyes can't see 39

I want to step outside of the normal pattern that I've set in my blog, and invite you to see the world through my eyes for a moment. When I started writing this blog it started out as a way of trying to communicate with one of my daughters, as to how I feel about God, because every time I tried to broach the subject with her, it always ended up in tears. After doing a study on searching the truth of origins, I finally thought I had a way of getting through to her, well all I can say is that Darwin had done his job, let me rephrase that, the Devil had done his job.The following is the letter that ensued oat of that encounter, and if you are reading this blog I want the whole world to know how much I love you.
From an uneducated old fool who loves you more than life itself, and sometimes through lack of finesse (not sure if this is the right word) says things that come out all wrong. What I say however, is what I believe, and I can’t change that.
I want to ask you something. If you knew of some happening or event that could or would have radical consequences for your loved ones or anyone in fact, and you really believed it what would you do? My answer is simple I will tell them because I love them, I would hate to see something happen to anyone, knowing that maybe I could have helped prevent it.I really love you and want you to give me a chance to sit with you and go over the facts that you were taught about what you believe I won’t mention my beliefs and will not get upset I will practice not to get upset or exited because I know this is my weakness. We will just talk about what can be proved I won’t quote anything from the bible.Or give me some facts about what you believe let me look at them and make comment if I can. Things aren’t always what they appear to be so let us both take a step backwards and look at what is the truth (one and a half minds are better than one.)We can even do this via emails. Who knows we both might learn something. If you don’t want to discuss it is also cool.You are the apple of my eye and I love you very much and never want to lose you not in this life or hereafter. I’m truly sorry for upsetting you last night it wasn’t done with intent. I will always love you no matter what.I hope this came out right I didn’t have you to check it first. If all else in life fails, you can depend on my love because it will always be there.
Love you more than life itself
(I wrote this letter on the 18/3/09)
I want to say to all who read my blog, and those who don't, that I love you all, and care greatly what happens to each one of you.This love is Gods gift. (1 Cor13:3) If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. As Jesus would say "Let My life be in you and you will prove to be a loving person. You will love your neighbor as yourself. You will love God with all your heart. And nothing can stop it because you have My grace, My working, My ability in you.”.This is what living is all about.(Amen)

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