Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What the eyes can't see 16

Life was still good then in 1990 and by now God had all but disappeared not to be
found, no signs just a faint warmth inside of me but it could have been a
temperature. I found myself at a doctor for a night sweating problem, which we
thought was a warning sign of TB, only to find that I had a melanoma (form of skin
cancer) it wasn’t to bad, and being the tough and positive guy I was it didn’t phase
me to much. As the year went on things started to fall apart and by 1992 the bottom
fell out, both my companies were in financial difficulties and I had developed a
lymphoma (cancer in the lymphatic system). In my armpit a lump the size of a golf
ball had developed, and on having a biopsy was informed that the out look wasn’t
Was booked in and had it removed, I was then told the bad news, six months
tops. At this point I called out to the Lord and to my surprise He was right there I
didn’t even have to shout. The businesses had to be liquidated and we had to
sequestrate ourselves due to all the medical bills. The whole church was praying for
me and I started talking to God again, but I must admit it seemed to be more of a one
sided conversation, a sort of pleading for my life , “God just spare me to see my
daughters turn teenagers, then 21 and so it went on. God give me a sign! All through
my life I was looking waiting patiently for a sign like many other Christians had,
but nothing.

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