Saturday, July 25, 2009

What the eyes cant see 37

Last time we spoke of thinking outside of the box, this being one of my favorite quotes, I want to dwell on the subject for a while. What am I talking about here? Well I believe that, our thinking for the most part is based on what we are taught. When a problem is encountered we tend to apply our minds, within the para metres of the specific problem to solving it. Now I'm even starting to confuse myself, what I'm trying to say is that we are mostly taught that there are limits to everything, hence words or phrases like, Cant; Not possible; Wont work; Maybe; That's my best; or it doesn't get better, so in fact we find ourselves following the route of least resistance, it is often easier just to follow someone else s belief or explanation. Lets look at a few simple challenges, this is the word I use in place of problems. How do you walk through a closed door without opening it? How can you eat an apple without biting it? What make all of these letters the same B C D E I K O X and which one is missing? What can you put in a box to make it lighter? A doctor and a nurse have a baby boy but the doctor is not the father and the nurse is not the mother? On Earth, "today" always follows "yesterday" , but there is a place where yesterday follows today, where?
These are all fairly simplistic challenges, but what happens when we encounter, those of a more complex nature, like the age of the Earth?; How did Noah get all the animals on the ark?; Why do people suffer? and many other such questions. Now the answers to some questions may elude us all the days of our lives, but rather that than believe anything, for the sake of an answer. I believe that God told us to think outside of the box. look at this verse in Isaiah55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord.
I believe that when we think with the minds of men, we limit ourselves to looking inward for the answers. God gave us many examples in His word and through the life of His Son Jesus as to how we should apply our minds. (2Cor3:14) But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. We are being told here that without living under Gods grace through the salvation of Jesus, we will be blinded and I believe the truth will evade the minds of the unbeliever.
Almost forgot here are the answers to those simple questions for those who didn't get them, in order as posed.Get someone else to open it; Liquidize and drink it; When turned upside down they remain the same, H; Holes; the doc was female and the nurse male; The dictionary.

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