Saturday, July 11, 2009

What the eyes can't see 24

Because indoctrination is a slow and, mostly unnoticed process, taking entire life spans, and in some cases many generations, to embed its full impact on peoples lives, I feel the need to pursue its reality in our lives today. Many say it only happens to the uneducated and the minorities, well! I have news for you, this most definitely is not the norm. Don't get me wrong, there are minority groups who can be classified as those who are indoctrinated into one or other belief system. The general understanding of the word can be applied to all those who are taught a non factual point of view, without questioning its accuracy and origins, or not being given alternative options on which to base their assumptions. This is quite a bold statement to make in this modern day and age, but lets just look at a few examples of actual facts, going on in the world today. Afghanistan and Algeria collectively have a population of in excess of sixty six million, of which ninety nine percent are Muslim. Why? because these people were given no options, in fact, if anyone tried to introduce other beliefs or offer alternate ways of life, they would be persecuted. Would you call this a small majority? Now on the home front, this includes most so called first world countries, no religion may be taught at public schools because it is not classified as scientific fact, however the"THEORY" of evolution, and I put in capitals, because that is what it is, still a theory, not yet proven to be fact. So what is happening here, there are alternative options to evolution, all be they so called theories themselves, and one of these being creation, which has an ever increasing amount of evidences coming to the fore, in its favor. This being the case, why then, is it not being taught as an alternative to evolution? Why are we paying for are our children to be taught something, not yet proven to be fact, without any alternative choices? I believe this can be classified as indoctrination, it surprises me that the educated masses, so easily accept a process of complete random chance, without questioning the near impossible odds of its feasibility. Sadly today there are even Christians who lean toward this theory, through what I would call a lack of conviction in their belief, or simply to be at peace with the world around them. If we don't believe in what we claim to be truth, then how can we expect others to do so?
"If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace-but now it is hidden from your eyes. Luk 19:42

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