Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What the eyes can't see 17

Life went on, we were going to church, but once again God seemed to have moved on, the years went by and my prayer life had all but dried up, apart from the odd one, mostly asking for a sign form God to show his presence.
A few years ago when my mom passed away, to my dismay I realized that we weren’t affiliated with any church (A worldly one that is) and I needed to arrange the funeral. We were led to Meadowridge Baptist and to my surprise! There was God again, almost as if he had never left, like!"Where have you been?" At first it was weird it seemed that the tables had turned, God led me back to His word and now he was doing all the talking and asking all the questions. As the days went by the pressure increased and I found myself overwhelmed with the need to catch up on all the missing years of communication. I threw myself into prayer, worship and serious Study of God’s word. Still every day asking God for a sign of His presence, I was just happy
that He was back.
I forgot to tell you guys a few minor details of my long and lonely walk with the Lord, during most of this walk with the Lord I smoked, I drank and most of all I was full of anger. Now I don’t want to tell anyone that these are sins, you decide for yourself. God convicted me of my smoking habit, and for many years, I felt shame and hid the fact that I smoked from most of my fellow believers. On many occasions a combination of the drink and anger had threatened to tear my marriage apart. I tried many times to quit smoking and always in vain then one day, God told me "enough is enough" and so I decided with the aid of some wonder gel I would attempt to quit, well let me tell you, I did stop and amazingly the bottle of cream was never opened

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