Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What the eyes can't see 33

Last time I got a little ahead of myself, with all that excitement of my own theory, I suppose it would be enough to excite anyone. I wanted to point out two interesting articles that I recently stumbled upon during some of my reading. Firstly that the speed of light may not be constant as it was previously thought to be, it appears that the speed of light could actually be slowing down. The second thing is that time itself is also not constant and varies according to gravitational pull, going faster at higher altitudes, interesting to say the least, and I must add, in all the calculations I have seen it is quoted as a constant along with the speed of light.(more info) What about all the conclusions made on calculations, performed in the past, using these two so called constants??
Lets move on to the fifth and sixth days of creation. Gen1:21-25 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. Please take note of the green print "according to its kind" put very plainly, it means that each creature was specifically made as you see it. In other words, a fish remains a fish, and did not evolve into a lizard and then perhaps a bird, a dog begets another dog, and an ape is still an ape and never progressed to becoming a man. If this is not the truth and man had actually evolved then there must surely be an abundance of fossils of the intermediate stages or so called missing links. Over the years many of these missing links have surfaced, ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous, Ramapithecus was first formulated based on two portions of jawbone. One was found in Africa and the other in Turkey. And they thought the teeth were more humanlike than apelike, so from this Ramapithecus was reconstructed. Then there is the story of Lucy another so called missing link.When Johansen an anthropologist was traveling around the country giving lectures on Lucy being in the lineage of man, he carried a knee joint with him,( see inset in picture) on one particular occasion he was asked by someone who was in attendance, where he found the knee joint. He reluctantly told them the knee joint was found two miles away in a strata two hundred feet lower. It was not even found with the fossil. Other anthropologists who are evolutionists suggested that Lucy is nothing more than like a chimpanzee and it does not deserve a place in the lineage of man.Then yet another one try this for size !Ernest Heckle was so enthusiastic that there would be a link found between apes and humans, he decided to have one reconstructed before anything had been found. That is, he hired an artist to paint what the missing link would look like when it was found, and hence Pithecanthropus allus is born.

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