Monday, July 13, 2009

What the eyes can't see 25

I wan't to ask a question. How long is a day according to the biblical account in the book of Genisis? The reason I ask is that, if evolution requires millions of years to even begin to substantiate it as a theory, then can one possibly believe such a theory, and the word of God at the same time?Lets explore the possibilities. I am going to alot a significant amount of time to this subject because I believe it to be of fundemental importance to the biblical creation doctrine, and as our children and perhaps some of you yourselves had or have to endure years of evolutional doctrine, then I'm sure you can bare with me for a few pages.
The majority of Christians at some stage of there lives have doubted weather God created everything in six literal days. Many believe it doesn’t matter weather it took days or millions of years. In actual fact the lengths of time allotted to the days in Genesis, form the foundation of the message of the cross without which there would be no salvation.

Where do people get the idea from that the time frames in the bible are not literal? Personally I believe it has nothing to with what is said in the bible, but more with what society at large has to say on the matter. Many believe that science has proved that the earth is millions of years old and try to compromise Gods word as to the length of a DAY.

Some try to use scripture to justify their claims, they quote 2Pe 3:8 "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” This passage concerns the second coming of Jesus Christ. It is basically telling us that we won’t know the time when he is coming back and that God is not controlled by natural processes or time. This verse has absolutely nothing to do with defining the days of creation.

The word and meaning of the word DAY had to have already been defined in order for it to be used to compare to a thousand years as in 2 Peter.

The Hebrew word for day is “Yom” this is the word used in Genesis chapter 1 it is important to define the context in which a word is been used, as there are often more than one meaning to a word. Its meaning in the context of Genesis is an ordinary Day. Where the word Yom is used with a number and or phrase like “evening and morning” there should be no doubt of the meaning.

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