Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What the eyes can't see 40

Last time I got side tracked a little, but it was a reminder to me, that even though I am passionate about the subject of my blog, and will continue to encourage everyone to be open minded and to trust in Gods word, before that of man, the most effective tool of evangelism is the manifestation of the gift of love. Sometimes we need to take a step back, look in the mirror and make sure that Gods love is shining through us.
Getting back to the evidences, after the flood, man was told to go out and repopulate the earth, see(Genesis11:1-9) but instead he decided to stay in one place. It was in the land of Shinar where they first started building, they built the city of Babylon and the tower of Babel. It was so called because it was here that God confused mans languages and scattered him throughout the Earth, and hence the various population groups and languages.
What I want to look at, is some of the building that took place back then, and what it tells us about the builders themselves. Some like to think that man is steadily progressing and evolving to a more intelligent and able being, much like all other creatures are supposedly doing. Well I've got news for you, it seems we are still trying to figure out many of the major feats of construction that our forefathers used, and that without all our modern technology, if anything man is regressing. Think of the great pyramids, where the smallest building blocks were 2000 tons, and the accuracy with which they were cut and laid to within microns. Some of the Roman columns that were taken from Egypt over two mountain ranges, or the pyramid of the sun in Mexico, built to the exact base specifications, to the foot as the great pyramid in Egypt. Coincidental? If we go to China we find another amazing feat of engineering (metallurgy) We find the Emperors terracotta army.This is an army of 7500 life-sized soldiers and 7500 horses made to scale. Every single face of these ceramic soldiers is unique. It was in this location that they found a sword. It was buried 2100 years ago and the sword today is still rust resistant. It was made of thirteen different metals alloyed together, amazing, when stainless steel was first made in 1916??? King Tut’s sarcophagus was made of precious stones and gold.The ancient Egyptians could also manufacture optical lenses. And they have discovered antibiotics like Aureomycin and Terramycin buried in some of the tombs.
What we are seeing here is a people who were doing things that we in some cases are still looking for the answers to, and in fact as the scriptures tell us in (Ecclesiastes 1:9)What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. History repeats itself! There is really nothing new under the sun. Whatever has happened before, it will happen again. If we want to understand what is taking place in the world today, we need to check out what has happened in the past.

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