Friday, July 24, 2009

What the eyes can't see 36

I want to move on to a man who through no fault of his own, became associated with one of the first so called fables in history, and more than likely, one of the most humiliated and ridiculed men of all time. Imagine yourself building a rocket of mammoth proportions, in your local neighborhood, and when questioned about it, you say its purpose is for the salvation of man kind, to take him of the planet, before it is totally destroyed. I wonder what sort of response you would receive, what would people say? Yes you guessed his name was Noah, and in my book his story is most definitely not a fable, but an actual event which changed the face of the Earth.
In (Genesis 6:14) God said to him So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.(Genesis6:17) I am going to bring floodwater on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish.(Genesis 6:19) You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you. Now most skeptics find problems with this account, and I suppose they could find many without looking to far, because when you look for problems they are easy to find, we'll just discuss two. First problem, what happened to all the water? and then how did Noah and his six companions have time not only to feed, but to clean up after all the animals aboard. I must say I have read many answers as to how it is possible and also as many telling why it is not. I find the problem with most people, is that they to easily accept the negative views of others, without trying to apply their own minds to the questions at hand. I want to say, that is far more interesting to try to come up with positive alternatives than it is to accept, No! Not possible, Can't be done or What are you smoking? I'm not talking about positive thinking here, it's more about practical thinking. "Think outside the box", this is one of my favorite sayings and as I think about it now a new page is appearing in my blog.So where am I going with all of this? Lets stop being negative and try and help Noah out of his predicament. (see here) this is the simplest and best answer I've yet seen. (interesting pics)

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