Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What the eyes can't see 31

Now that we have established or at least hopefully are prepared to give consideration to the possibility of another dimension. I want to look at the possibilities of a young Earth, and try to substantiate its age, using the bible as a time reference, and the evidences found in the world around us. At this point you might say we are wasting our time, when scientists using the most sophisticated equipment have already established it to be millions of years old. I am not going to go into to much detail on this point, I will however give a few brief explanations of why I believe otherwise and for more info direct you to those more qualified.
All radiometric dating methods are based on the belief that the Earth is millions of years old to start with, this in itself being a problem for me. Then there are numerous occasions where objects of known ages are dated incorrectly, by millions of years, and where dating of a single article varies by more than 3 million years. (for more info ) well I rest my case on this one.
One of the first methods of dating fossils and other artifacts, was by what is known as the geological column, first constructed in the late 1700's, and amazingly enough, is still the chosen method of many an archaeologist. What is it ? Imagine taking a core drill and drilling a hole deep into the earth, when you retract your drill and are left with long cylindrical core sample of earth. Hopefully embedded in your sample there will be various types of fossils, these should be in some sort of order, along with the rock and soil types ranging from oldest to youngest. Now one would expect this aging order to remain constant throughout the world, within reason, allowing for various local natural disasters. Unfortunately this is not the case in fact in more than 90% of areas there is no apparent order, a reliable method of dating?
The last dating method we will look at, there are others, is one which claims it can halt any budding young Earth creationist in their tracks. This is where the speed of light is used as a tool to guage the age of the universe. A very simple example being, if a star was one million light years away, there are those that are much further, it can thefore be deduced that it's light would have taken one million years to reach us, hence the long age attached to the universe and Earth. Most definately a problem for the biblical creation account, of under ten thousand years, or perhaps a day was actually a thousand years in the bible. There are many hypotheses as to how this is possible, those in favor of a young Earth. I find one of the more recent to be the most amazing yet, and well worth a read, a book by Dr Russell Humphrey, a tit bit can be had (here) For years scientists who are Christians, and their fellow believers have too easily accepted, what others have suggested to be fact and tried to reinterpret Gods word to suit man's time frames. There are fortunately those who are thinking "outside the box, but inside the book" (Gods word) and an ever increasing amount of evidences favouring the Genisis acount of creation are comming to the fore.

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