Friday, July 31, 2009

What the eyes can't see 42

We read in (Judges2:11)Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD and served the Baals.Then when we go to the book of Romans (Rom1:20) For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.follow the links to Romans and read this whole chapter, then relate it to the world we live in.(Rom1:23) and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Now I want to go back to the book of Judges, and this is not for confusion but rather to build up a picture that clearly describes where we are at today.(Judges21:25)In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit. Does this not remind you of man today? no king, (God) no direction, and it is at times like this that man gets easily led astray. There is nothing new under the sun, as we stated. (Ecclesiastes 1:9-11.)
As we look back we see our forefathers following many gods, some in the image of men with grotesque bodies, and others in the form of animals. So we see, history reveals that people of the past were obsessed with the gods, just as the Bible states. People today seem to be obsessed with these kinds of beings. Some of the popular comic books of the past, like the fantastic for, also show creatures that are part goat and part human. These entities are extremely popular. This is a multi-billion dollar industry, whether it is collecting cards, toys, or characters that come from the movies. The common theme is supernatural beings, from extraterrestrial sources with supernatural powers.Young people participate by practicing spells and playing the role of demons, then of course, there is the New Age where many methods or therapies are really nothing more than Eastern metaphysical beliefs that are being introduced into society, even to children. One just needs to look at books like Harry potter to see where its all going. So what has this all got to do with evolution?
During the French revolution you might recall that bibles were burned, the idea was promoted that we must throw away superstition and religion, and turn to man’s ideas. That was the Age of Enlightenment. Charles Darwin’s grandfather, who was born in 1731 and died in 1802. Erasmus Darwin, was a medical doctor but he had some ideas on the subject of origins, he wrote a book called, The Zoonomia, in which he expressed that through time, life had progressed from lower to higher.So what? you might say, well read on and you might see a whole new side to the Darwin debate.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What the eyes can't see 41

It looks like we come from a line of ancestors that were great thinkers and master craftsmen, but above and beyond that, as we read through the bible we find another side to man. According to the Scriptures, there are consequences when we reject the overwhelming evidence that God exists. I want to look at those consequences.The facts show that man has always been man. The artifacts that have been left to us by ancient civilizations agree exactly with the biblical perspective, that man was created and had tremendous abilities and attributes. And when we look at the major accomplishments of the ancient civilizations, the cities that they built, towers,
ziggurats, pyramids, their ability to alloy minerals together, what does it say? The biblical creation view can be supported by the evidence. The evidence is overwhelming, but still the majority of intellectuals worldwide have chosen to discredit creation and accept evolution.
From the time of mans downfall in the garden of Eden, there has been a side to him of continually trying to replace God with other gods.The city of Babylon was built by survivors of the flood. They were in rebellion to God and built a tower to reach the heavens to communicate with the spirit world. You cannot understand biblical history unless you understand that God has an adversary, Satan, who has followers, the fallen angels. And man, as we are going to see throughout history has constantly been involved in communicating with that dimension which God forbids
Archaeology shows us this, all over the world, we see the sudden emergence of great civilizations who built cities, temples and pyramids, like those in Egypt, Indonesia, or in Central America, in fact all over the world. These people were worshipping the gods. They believed the sun, moon, and the earth is god. We see this in the archaeological remains of great civilizations.Today because of mans insistence of trying to do his own thing and not accept Gods word, we are diversifying, and headed in all directions each claiming to be the wAdd Imageay, and evolution seems to be playing a leading role in the unification of all these alternative beliefs. In October 1996, the papers reported and it can be documented that Pope John Paul, at a meeting before the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, said, "Truth cannot contradict truth." He said, "The Bible said God created. But scientists have proven that evolution is true, so God used evolution to create." Basically what is happening man is not quite sure of what truth is, so instead of trusting in Gods word, they for fear of looking foolish, just go with the flow. When we talk of worshiping other gods we always tend to look way back into the past, but in reality if you just look around today, you will find that man is heading for some kind of a unification of religions, in order to find peace, on our own terms. For fear that the bible may be wrong in some areas, many Christians are also looking to the world for answers. Where is it all leading?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What the eyes can't see 40

Last time I got side tracked a little, but it was a reminder to me, that even though I am passionate about the subject of my blog, and will continue to encourage everyone to be open minded and to trust in Gods word, before that of man, the most effective tool of evangelism is the manifestation of the gift of love. Sometimes we need to take a step back, look in the mirror and make sure that Gods love is shining through us.
Getting back to the evidences, after the flood, man was told to go out and repopulate the earth, see(Genesis11:1-9) but instead he decided to stay in one place. It was in the land of Shinar where they first started building, they built the city of Babylon and the tower of Babel. It was so called because it was here that God confused mans languages and scattered him throughout the Earth, and hence the various population groups and languages.
What I want to look at, is some of the building that took place back then, and what it tells us about the builders themselves. Some like to think that man is steadily progressing and evolving to a more intelligent and able being, much like all other creatures are supposedly doing. Well I've got news for you, it seems we are still trying to figure out many of the major feats of construction that our forefathers used, and that without all our modern technology, if anything man is regressing. Think of the great pyramids, where the smallest building blocks were 2000 tons, and the accuracy with which they were cut and laid to within microns. Some of the Roman columns that were taken from Egypt over two mountain ranges, or the pyramid of the sun in Mexico, built to the exact base specifications, to the foot as the great pyramid in Egypt. Coincidental? If we go to China we find another amazing feat of engineering (metallurgy) We find the Emperors terracotta army.This is an army of 7500 life-sized soldiers and 7500 horses made to scale. Every single face of these ceramic soldiers is unique. It was in this location that they found a sword. It was buried 2100 years ago and the sword today is still rust resistant. It was made of thirteen different metals alloyed together, amazing, when stainless steel was first made in 1916??? King Tut’s sarcophagus was made of precious stones and gold.The ancient Egyptians could also manufacture optical lenses. And they have discovered antibiotics like Aureomycin and Terramycin buried in some of the tombs.
What we are seeing here is a people who were doing things that we in some cases are still looking for the answers to, and in fact as the scriptures tell us in (Ecclesiastes 1:9)What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. History repeats itself! There is really nothing new under the sun. Whatever has happened before, it will happen again. If we want to understand what is taking place in the world today, we need to check out what has happened in the past.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What the eyes can't see 39

I want to step outside of the normal pattern that I've set in my blog, and invite you to see the world through my eyes for a moment. When I started writing this blog it started out as a way of trying to communicate with one of my daughters, as to how I feel about God, because every time I tried to broach the subject with her, it always ended up in tears. After doing a study on searching the truth of origins, I finally thought I had a way of getting through to her, well all I can say is that Darwin had done his job, let me rephrase that, the Devil had done his job.The following is the letter that ensued oat of that encounter, and if you are reading this blog I want the whole world to know how much I love you.
From an uneducated old fool who loves you more than life itself, and sometimes through lack of finesse (not sure if this is the right word) says things that come out all wrong. What I say however, is what I believe, and I can’t change that.
I want to ask you something. If you knew of some happening or event that could or would have radical consequences for your loved ones or anyone in fact, and you really believed it what would you do? My answer is simple I will tell them because I love them, I would hate to see something happen to anyone, knowing that maybe I could have helped prevent it.I really love you and want you to give me a chance to sit with you and go over the facts that you were taught about what you believe I won’t mention my beliefs and will not get upset I will practice not to get upset or exited because I know this is my weakness. We will just talk about what can be proved I won’t quote anything from the bible.Or give me some facts about what you believe let me look at them and make comment if I can. Things aren’t always what they appear to be so let us both take a step backwards and look at what is the truth (one and a half minds are better than one.)We can even do this via emails. Who knows we both might learn something. If you don’t want to discuss it is also cool.You are the apple of my eye and I love you very much and never want to lose you not in this life or hereafter. I’m truly sorry for upsetting you last night it wasn’t done with intent. I will always love you no matter what.I hope this came out right I didn’t have you to check it first. If all else in life fails, you can depend on my love because it will always be there.
Love you more than life itself
(I wrote this letter on the 18/3/09)
I want to say to all who read my blog, and those who don't, that I love you all, and care greatly what happens to each one of you.This love is Gods gift. (1 Cor13:3) If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. As Jesus would say "Let My life be in you and you will prove to be a loving person. You will love your neighbor as yourself. You will love God with all your heart. And nothing can stop it because you have My grace, My working, My ability in you.”.This is what living is all about.(Amen)

Monday, July 27, 2009

What the eyes can't see 38

Now the waters stated to recede and finally the ark came to rest atop mount Ararat, after seven and a half months. Finally after about 370 days they were able to leave the ark. (Genesis 8:14) By the twenty-seventh day of the second month the earth was completely dry. Well what do you think the Earth must have looked like, and what the consequences of such an immense global catastrophe must have been? Fortunately none of us were there to witness it, but the scars of this great cataclysmic event, are still recognizable today if we take the effort to relate them to the biblical account. Most secular scientists refuse to even consider the possibilities of a global flood, when in fact there are evidences that point in that direction, and many of their questions could be answered by a global flood. What is the problem? Perhaps they are afraid that if they accept one biblical principal they might end up having to accept all the others.The bible says the Earth was completely flooded and all was destroyed (Genesis 7:20-21)The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet. Every living thing that moved on the earth perished--birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind.According to this account there can be no misconception as to the extent of this flood.
What do we see today? What we don't see is neatly layered fossil levels, all arranged in order of age, what we actually do see is quite the opposite, so called simplistic life forms, in supposedly younger strata and visa- verso. In many cases large numbers of animals are found on top of one another and others still in the process of eating or giving birth.Thousands of trees found uprooted and strewn over large areas. When we look at things without a biased prejudice, it gives one a broader spectrum of choices to assimilate ones assumptions.
(Mathew 24:39)
And they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
To me, as a Christian, and I speak for myself and not others, there is sufficient evidences to back up the scriptures, without the need to look further, and this we, myself included have been doing our whole lives. Its time to choose!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

What the eyes cant see 37

Last time we spoke of thinking outside of the box, this being one of my favorite quotes, I want to dwell on the subject for a while. What am I talking about here? Well I believe that, our thinking for the most part is based on what we are taught. When a problem is encountered we tend to apply our minds, within the para metres of the specific problem to solving it. Now I'm even starting to confuse myself, what I'm trying to say is that we are mostly taught that there are limits to everything, hence words or phrases like, Cant; Not possible; Wont work; Maybe; That's my best; or it doesn't get better, so in fact we find ourselves following the route of least resistance, it is often easier just to follow someone else s belief or explanation. Lets look at a few simple challenges, this is the word I use in place of problems. How do you walk through a closed door without opening it? How can you eat an apple without biting it? What make all of these letters the same B C D E I K O X and which one is missing? What can you put in a box to make it lighter? A doctor and a nurse have a baby boy but the doctor is not the father and the nurse is not the mother? On Earth, "today" always follows "yesterday" , but there is a place where yesterday follows today, where?
These are all fairly simplistic challenges, but what happens when we encounter, those of a more complex nature, like the age of the Earth?; How did Noah get all the animals on the ark?; Why do people suffer? and many other such questions. Now the answers to some questions may elude us all the days of our lives, but rather that than believe anything, for the sake of an answer. I believe that God told us to think outside of the box. look at this verse in Isaiah55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord.
I believe that when we think with the minds of men, we limit ourselves to looking inward for the answers. God gave us many examples in His word and through the life of His Son Jesus as to how we should apply our minds. (2Cor3:14) But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. We are being told here that without living under Gods grace through the salvation of Jesus, we will be blinded and I believe the truth will evade the minds of the unbeliever.
Almost forgot here are the answers to those simple questions for those who didn't get them, in order as posed.Get someone else to open it; Liquidize and drink it; When turned upside down they remain the same, H; Holes; the doc was female and the nurse male; The dictionary.

Friday, July 24, 2009

What the eyes can't see 36

I want to move on to a man who through no fault of his own, became associated with one of the first so called fables in history, and more than likely, one of the most humiliated and ridiculed men of all time. Imagine yourself building a rocket of mammoth proportions, in your local neighborhood, and when questioned about it, you say its purpose is for the salvation of man kind, to take him of the planet, before it is totally destroyed. I wonder what sort of response you would receive, what would people say? Yes you guessed his name was Noah, and in my book his story is most definitely not a fable, but an actual event which changed the face of the Earth.
In (Genesis 6:14) God said to him So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.(Genesis6:17) I am going to bring floodwater on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish.(Genesis 6:19) You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you. Now most skeptics find problems with this account, and I suppose they could find many without looking to far, because when you look for problems they are easy to find, we'll just discuss two. First problem, what happened to all the water? and then how did Noah and his six companions have time not only to feed, but to clean up after all the animals aboard. I must say I have read many answers as to how it is possible and also as many telling why it is not. I find the problem with most people, is that they to easily accept the negative views of others, without trying to apply their own minds to the questions at hand. I want to say, that is far more interesting to try to come up with positive alternatives than it is to accept, No! Not possible, Can't be done or What are you smoking? I'm not talking about positive thinking here, it's more about practical thinking. "Think outside the box", this is one of my favorite sayings and as I think about it now a new page is appearing in my blog.So where am I going with all of this? Lets stop being negative and try and help Noah out of his predicament. (see here) this is the simplest and best answer I've yet seen. (interesting pics)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What the eyes can't see 35

Let us look at the creation of man, the Bible makes it clear that man has been man from the beginning, God created Adam and Eve. God made man. Man came on the scene suddenly. There is no place in the Bible that describes this concept that over millions of years there was a progression of development, from an amoeba to man. God does not say, "Over time, survival of the fittest, dog eat dog, brought about the existence of all forms of life." No, the Bible says that in the beginning God created and He gives us that account of the various kinds of life that He created. And at the end of the creation week, He created man from the dust. And this is what we read in Genesis 2:7 The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

What attributes were given to man? In (Genesis 1:26) Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness". Man was made complete with a body, a soul and a spirit and a free will, and look where it got us, that is the free will. They were creative beings, loving beings, and caring beings. I believe they were humble beings, having all of the characteristics and attributes of God. Man was created with a free will, so that he could choose whether or not he would remain in the relationship with the Creator. This is another story in mans history his fall.

As we go through the scriptures we find that man was given many amazing talents, and unlike some would like you to believe, man is not evolving into a more intelligent or complex life form. Let take a look at a few of these God given abilities, in (Genesis 4:17) And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son—noch. Here you see that they were great builders and built cities, not mud huts. In (Genesis 4:20) And Adah bore Jabal. He was the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock. They were making tents and were experienced in animal husbandry.In (Genesis 4:21) His brother's name was Jubal; he was the father of all who play the harp and flute. They could obviously make and play musical instruments. (Genesis 4:22) And as for Zillah, she also bore Tubal-Cain, an instructor of every craftsman in bronze and iron. It seems that they were able to alloy metals, and for anyone in the know, this is a complex task. What we are seeing here is the fact that man, way back at his very inception, had abilities not unlike what we have today, we will talk more about these abilities, later because I believe many of you will be amazed at some of them.

What the eyes can't see 34

Ernest Heckle had a graduate student by the name of Eugene Dubois, who he instructed to find the missing link and he even told him where he would likely find it in Indonesia. This is how Homo erectus first came about. Dutch archaeologist Eugene Dubois went to Java Indonesia, Dubois himself actually did not find these fossils. He hired some ex-convicts who were out on parole to go out and do the digging. They found a skullcap of a gibbon and then the following year, fifty feet away in that same location, a human leg bone and some molar teeth. Before Dubois died he admitted publicly actually what he had discovered. Sadly you will find models, or reconstructions of most of these so called missing links in your local museums. American scientists, in the 1930's, so as not to be left out, from a single tooth reconstructed the Nebraska Man, it later turned out to actually be the tooth of an extinct pig.
In 1980 scientist Richard Leakey,(see here) strangely enough another evolutionist who vowed never to become a Christian, made this statement regarding footprints discovered by his mother in Kenya."These footprints are the best evidence we have of what our ancestors were like. And we can trace our lineage back to them."National Geographic sponsored an artist by the name of Jay Matterness to create an artwork to reconstruct what it looked like 3.75 million years ago. And here is the painting.
In the footprints that look like Guinea fowl, the artist painted Guinea fowl, exactly like Guinea fowl look today. In the footprints that look like giraffe footprints, he painted a giraffe, identical to a giraffe that you would see today. In the footprints that look like elephant footprints, well he painted a herd of elephants that look like elephants. In the rabbit footprint, the artist painted a rabbit, just like a modern rabbit. But in the footprints that are identical to ours (the same, with no difference) the artist painted two adult baboon, part-human like creatures without any clothes. One carrying a baby, the other a stick. There it is in the name of science. But is this science or is this an interpretation of the evidence that shows strong bias to support the evolutionary assumption?
1Tim 6:20 Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What the eyes can't see 33

Last time I got a little ahead of myself, with all that excitement of my own theory, I suppose it would be enough to excite anyone. I wanted to point out two interesting articles that I recently stumbled upon during some of my reading. Firstly that the speed of light may not be constant as it was previously thought to be, it appears that the speed of light could actually be slowing down. The second thing is that time itself is also not constant and varies according to gravitational pull, going faster at higher altitudes, interesting to say the least, and I must add, in all the calculations I have seen it is quoted as a constant along with the speed of light.(more info) What about all the conclusions made on calculations, performed in the past, using these two so called constants??
Lets move on to the fifth and sixth days of creation. Gen1:21-25 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. Please take note of the green print "according to its kind" put very plainly, it means that each creature was specifically made as you see it. In other words, a fish remains a fish, and did not evolve into a lizard and then perhaps a bird, a dog begets another dog, and an ape is still an ape and never progressed to becoming a man. If this is not the truth and man had actually evolved then there must surely be an abundance of fossils of the intermediate stages or so called missing links. Over the years many of these missing links have surfaced, ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous, Ramapithecus was first formulated based on two portions of jawbone. One was found in Africa and the other in Turkey. And they thought the teeth were more humanlike than apelike, so from this Ramapithecus was reconstructed. Then there is the story of Lucy another so called missing link.When Johansen an anthropologist was traveling around the country giving lectures on Lucy being in the lineage of man, he carried a knee joint with him,( see inset in picture) on one particular occasion he was asked by someone who was in attendance, where he found the knee joint. He reluctantly told them the knee joint was found two miles away in a strata two hundred feet lower. It was not even found with the fossil. Other anthropologists who are evolutionists suggested that Lucy is nothing more than like a chimpanzee and it does not deserve a place in the lineage of man.Then yet another one try this for size !Ernest Heckle was so enthusiastic that there would be a link found between apes and humans, he decided to have one reconstructed before anything had been found. That is, he hired an artist to paint what the missing link would look like when it was found, and hence Pithecanthropus allus is born.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

what The eyes can't see 32

Now that we have looked at the downfalls of the so called technologically advanced as well as the other more archaic processes of dating, we can proceed to explore the application of biblical dating account. At this point I just want to say that, with God all things are possible, and once you place your trust in Him, the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. I'm not asking anyone to have blind faith, however could anyone please explain to me what it means when you believe in something never proven to be a fact namely evolution or any of its proponents? At least my belief in God brings about salvation through the blood of His Son, and the dwelling of His Spirit within me, is tangible and truth.
I would like to play around a bit with the speed of light in this session, because its something that has always intrigued me, so please bare with me as I try to come up with my own hypothesis. Lets look at what the bible says, and put it into some kind of practical demonstration, remember I'm just toying with an idea here, is this not what all great scientists do? In Genesis Gen1:16-17 it states that god made the stars and then set them in the sky, now imagine if you were able to throw a light source, in this case a star, we'll make it a very small one, something you could manage, into space and it traveled thousands even millions of miles away. When would you first see its light? Well this seems fairly obvious I would say, as long as you were in the place where you threw it from, you would see the the light immediately and into the future, provided that the star you threw does itself not exceed the speed of light. So there we have it, no complicated calculations needed, keeping it simple. What I am proposing is that we are in fact living within the location where God set the stars in the heavens from.Now let me say that, this theory can be proved, at least the part about the light always being here and not needing millions of years to reach us. This is more or less what we have to put up with from our scientific community, only with a lot more calculations attached. Even in the big bang theory, everything started at one point and if we were at the centre then the same would apply, anyway there you have it, even I can make you think, it was great fun doing this, I must try it again.
2 Peter1:19 And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.

What the eyes can't see 31

Now that we have established or at least hopefully are prepared to give consideration to the possibility of another dimension. I want to look at the possibilities of a young Earth, and try to substantiate its age, using the bible as a time reference, and the evidences found in the world around us. At this point you might say we are wasting our time, when scientists using the most sophisticated equipment have already established it to be millions of years old. I am not going to go into to much detail on this point, I will however give a few brief explanations of why I believe otherwise and for more info direct you to those more qualified.
All radiometric dating methods are based on the belief that the Earth is millions of years old to start with, this in itself being a problem for me. Then there are numerous occasions where objects of known ages are dated incorrectly, by millions of years, and where dating of a single article varies by more than 3 million years. (for more info ) well I rest my case on this one.
One of the first methods of dating fossils and other artifacts, was by what is known as the geological column, first constructed in the late 1700's, and amazingly enough, is still the chosen method of many an archaeologist. What is it ? Imagine taking a core drill and drilling a hole deep into the earth, when you retract your drill and are left with long cylindrical core sample of earth. Hopefully embedded in your sample there will be various types of fossils, these should be in some sort of order, along with the rock and soil types ranging from oldest to youngest. Now one would expect this aging order to remain constant throughout the world, within reason, allowing for various local natural disasters. Unfortunately this is not the case in fact in more than 90% of areas there is no apparent order, a reliable method of dating?
The last dating method we will look at, there are others, is one which claims it can halt any budding young Earth creationist in their tracks. This is where the speed of light is used as a tool to guage the age of the universe. A very simple example being, if a star was one million light years away, there are those that are much further, it can thefore be deduced that it's light would have taken one million years to reach us, hence the long age attached to the universe and Earth. Most definately a problem for the biblical creation account, of under ten thousand years, or perhaps a day was actually a thousand years in the bible. There are many hypotheses as to how this is possible, those in favor of a young Earth. I find one of the more recent to be the most amazing yet, and well worth a read, a book by Dr Russell Humphrey, a tit bit can be had (here) For years scientists who are Christians, and their fellow believers have too easily accepted, what others have suggested to be fact and tried to reinterpret Gods word to suit man's time frames. There are fortunately those who are thinking "outside the box, but inside the book" (Gods word) and an ever increasing amount of evidences favouring the Genisis acount of creation are comming to the fore.

Monday, July 20, 2009

What the eyes can't see 30

The greatest proof we have of the spiritual kingdom, is that of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. If we apply the standard norms of society, in establishing fact, that of eye witnesses, then the life death and resurrection of Jesus should be more than acceptable. His life at least is an accepted fact by most Jews, most if not all Muslims, by all Christians and many others. The facts of his existence can be found in many books outside of the bible, both religious and secular.
Another but often less accepted fact is, what do you say to the millions of Christians who claim to have been reborn and have the Spirit of God within them? James4:5 Or do you think Scripture says without reason that the spirit he caused to live in us envies intensely? (this might not be the correct verse to quote here but I put it here for those who believe, to read in context and discern over) Then what about all those who claim to have been healed? By Gods hand, I will personally stand up and be counted among those.( from six months to now more than seventeen years, all praise be to God)
Another area on which the spiritual realm plays a significant role, is that of Fear, what causes it and what controls it? At some stage throughout every ones life they will encounter fear of one kind or the other,be that of a physical nature or that of the unknown. Death is probably the greatest of mans fears, and in itself could be looked upon as evidence of a spiritual realm.
1John4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
With all this evidence then, why is it that we don't all have this connection with this spiritual world? Well there may be more than one way of seeing beyond what is visual, but I believe only one which is beneficial, and that is Christ's way! John3:3 In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." So here we have it in order to see or partake in this spiritual world ( the part of it that is beneficial that is ) one needs to get into a relationship with God, without whom your greatest fears will remain unanswered. So I urge all of you who haven't yet, to give God at least the same concern as you have all your other beliefs.Why worry about the unseen? 2Cor4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

what the eyes can't see 29

Are there any evidences that point in the direction of a spiritual realm? I think that sometimes we look for evidences that simply don't exist, while there are those staring us in the face that we refuse to accept. Let us briefly look at a few, prophesy, all through the ages man has been enthralled and mystified by the thought of being able to see into the future. Lets take a careful look into the old testament, and the prophesies therein that have already come to pass, for now I will only deal with one. This prophesy in Isaiah tells of the birth of Christ more than 700 years before the event, this was also foretold already in the book of Genesis.
Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.
Although there are many prophesies of Christ's birth, we will use this one and it's conclusion in the book of Luke as an example.
Luk 1:35

The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.

Prophesy in itself comes from the spiritual realm, in this case from God, who is a spiritual being and it is in this likeness of God that I believe we are made. There are prophesies, both scriptural and other, that have come to pass, and all can be accredited to a spiritual dimension.
Beliefs, a belief system itself and the ability to believe, is what sets man apart from all other creatures. all of mankind believes in something or other. The concept of of believing has two basic facets, firstly, trusting in proven facts, that we can see or as witnessed by others. Secondly and one I would ask you to give fair consideration, is man's ability to believe in that which is not proven or seen. Let me leave you with this thought for now. Where does your conscience come from, what instills in you the ability to have feelings of, love; hate; compassion; sorrow; happiness; fear, and intuition to name but a few?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What the eyes can't see 28

I would like you to join me in a tour of the evidences, both current and those of years gone by, which still remain, to tantalize the inquiring minds. I want to take these evidences and see if we can give them some measure of scriptural backing, in place of the more broadly accepted evolutionary theory, which by now we have all had the opportunity or conversely the misfortune to endure. In stark contrast to evolutions millions of years, biblical creation took only six days, and these being literal twenty four hour days as per Gen 1:5 God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning--the first day. As can be seen here the use of the word day, is meant to be literal, careful description is afforded it, namely the words evening and morning, all the days of creation are given the same time frame assertion. What are the chances of such creation? First we have to open our minds to the possibility of another dimension, another realm, in which the Creator "God" as well as other spiritual beings exist. I am talking of the spiritual realm, one which is often associated with satanism and witch craft, yes it's the same one. It is an area of creation that is unseen by the human eye. Of what interest is this area to our lives, if it is not seen? well it is from this area that all things are controlled, were made and will be finalized. Gen28:17 He was afraid and said, "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven." So how then do we get to see it?

Monday, July 13, 2009

What the eyes cant see 27

Evolution A Closer Look: Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection assumed that tiny adaptations occur in organisms constantly over millions of years. Gradually, a new species develops that is distinct from its ancestors. The main proponent of this theory is long time spans, hence the controversy of all the missing time in the bible. Please note that this theory excludes the need for a God. At this point it must be noted that Darwin’s theory has been accepted by most education faculties worldwide. In fact here in South Africa as in America and most of Europe the taxpayers are paying to have it taught to their children. In my opinion you can believe what you want but don’t expect me to pay to have it taught to my kids. Let’s get back to the question of why so many Christians are accepting one or the other of these theories. I believe that reason to be, the fear of what the Lord Himself attested to, that of being persecuted for his name. In our daily walk with the Lord we often come across occasions, where when we oppose or differ with worldly norms we are often belittled or ostracized. Well guys and girls I have news for you it’s time to stand up and be counted because the bible says in the book of Timothy 2Ti 3:12 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.

Often we are too ashamed to stand up and defend our beliefs but believe me our God needs no defense. The Bible is very clear that human behavior is tied closely to basic beliefs. Take time to read Rom1:20. This passage states that because of the evidence of creation, no one has an excuse for disbelief in God. However, if God used evolution to bring everything about, then there is no evidence for God's existence from observing his creation, and this Bible passage is contradicted. The verses in Romans go on to list the results of denying God's existence: a society with wide spread homosexuality, greed, envy, murder, hatred toward the God of Christianity, and many other consequences. Is this not the world we are living in today? There is ever-increasing evidence coming to the fore on behalf of a young earth as per the word of God, so there is no more reason to hide behind man’s theories as to the ages. Stop looking for something that doesn't exist, missing letters and voids within the ages, open your eyes and you will find the truth.

What the eyes can't see 26

Answer these questions for yourself. How old would the world today be if a thousand years was but a day? How old would Adam be if a day was a thousand years? Gen 5:5 How long was Jonah in the belly of the fish? Mat 12:40 On which day did Christ arise from the grave? What am I trying to get at here? Read the following passage.Eze 31:1 In the eleventh year, in the third month on the first day, the word of the LORD came to me: Well simply put a lot of trouble seems to have gone into the meaning of the word “Day” when Months,Years as well as seasons and hours can be extrapolated from it .The word “Day” appears 1287 times in the NIV translation and I urge you to look up and read the passages and decide for yourself what the meaning of the word Day is. (Gen 1:5 -Gen 19:34) Why Six Days? Well it seems God had a plan. Our creator the one and only living God could have done it all in the blink of an eye, so why take so long? The answer is given to us in Exd 20:11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.This is how God gave man the seven day week, without scripture there is no basis for a seven day week.

Why then do some “Christians” doubt the time span of a day as in Genesis? There are two major contributors to this belief namely “The gap theory” and then “Macro Evolution” a so called proven scientific theory. Let’s take a brief look at both “Theories” The gap theory is the idea that between the first two verses of the Bible (Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2) there was a great gap in time. The theory goes roughly like this: God created the universe billions of years ago. Then the geological ages proposed by evolutionists took place over billions of years of earth's history. Life-forms arose during that time and are now preserved in the fossil record, and these fossils allegedly verify that the geological ages took place. At the end of the geological ages, Satan rebelled in Heaven and many angels followed him. God then cast Satan down to earth, the earth underwent a huge disaster or cataclysm, and it was left without form and void, with darkness on the face of the deep (as described in Genesis 1:2). God then re-created the earth in the six literal days of creation described in the first chapter of Genesis.

What the eyes can't see 25

I wan't to ask a question. How long is a day according to the biblical account in the book of Genisis? The reason I ask is that, if evolution requires millions of years to even begin to substantiate it as a theory, then can one possibly believe such a theory, and the word of God at the same time?Lets explore the possibilities. I am going to alot a significant amount of time to this subject because I believe it to be of fundemental importance to the biblical creation doctrine, and as our children and perhaps some of you yourselves had or have to endure years of evolutional doctrine, then I'm sure you can bare with me for a few pages.
The majority of Christians at some stage of there lives have doubted weather God created everything in six literal days. Many believe it doesn’t matter weather it took days or millions of years. In actual fact the lengths of time allotted to the days in Genesis, form the foundation of the message of the cross without which there would be no salvation.

Where do people get the idea from that the time frames in the bible are not literal? Personally I believe it has nothing to with what is said in the bible, but more with what society at large has to say on the matter. Many believe that science has proved that the earth is millions of years old and try to compromise Gods word as to the length of a DAY.

Some try to use scripture to justify their claims, they quote 2Pe 3:8 "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” This passage concerns the second coming of Jesus Christ. It is basically telling us that we won’t know the time when he is coming back and that God is not controlled by natural processes or time. This verse has absolutely nothing to do with defining the days of creation.

The word and meaning of the word DAY had to have already been defined in order for it to be used to compare to a thousand years as in 2 Peter.

The Hebrew word for day is “Yom” this is the word used in Genesis chapter 1 it is important to define the context in which a word is been used, as there are often more than one meaning to a word. Its meaning in the context of Genesis is an ordinary Day. Where the word Yom is used with a number and or phrase like “evening and morning” there should be no doubt of the meaning.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

What the eyes can't see 24

Because indoctrination is a slow and, mostly unnoticed process, taking entire life spans, and in some cases many generations, to embed its full impact on peoples lives, I feel the need to pursue its reality in our lives today. Many say it only happens to the uneducated and the minorities, well! I have news for you, this most definitely is not the norm. Don't get me wrong, there are minority groups who can be classified as those who are indoctrinated into one or other belief system. The general understanding of the word can be applied to all those who are taught a non factual point of view, without questioning its accuracy and origins, or not being given alternative options on which to base their assumptions. This is quite a bold statement to make in this modern day and age, but lets just look at a few examples of actual facts, going on in the world today. Afghanistan and Algeria collectively have a population of in excess of sixty six million, of which ninety nine percent are Muslim. Why? because these people were given no options, in fact, if anyone tried to introduce other beliefs or offer alternate ways of life, they would be persecuted. Would you call this a small majority? Now on the home front, this includes most so called first world countries, no religion may be taught at public schools because it is not classified as scientific fact, however the"THEORY" of evolution, and I put in capitals, because that is what it is, still a theory, not yet proven to be fact. So what is happening here, there are alternative options to evolution, all be they so called theories themselves, and one of these being creation, which has an ever increasing amount of evidences coming to the fore, in its favor. This being the case, why then, is it not being taught as an alternative to evolution? Why are we paying for are our children to be taught something, not yet proven to be fact, without any alternative choices? I believe this can be classified as indoctrination, it surprises me that the educated masses, so easily accept a process of complete random chance, without questioning the near impossible odds of its feasibility. Sadly today there are even Christians who lean toward this theory, through what I would call a lack of conviction in their belief, or simply to be at peace with the world around them. If we don't believe in what we claim to be truth, then how can we expect others to do so?
"If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace-but now it is hidden from your eyes. Luk 19:42