Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What the eyes can't see 11

1970, for me almost seemed to not have existed. I started out at a new school, it was my first high school year and one would have thought it would be memorable even if just for this fact. The truth of the matter is, it is a period of my life, which when I think back on draws a blank.There are only three things I recall of that year, I started smoking, played cricket without recollection of the games, remember only one class mate. When I think back of that time it conjures up feelings of isolation. It is as if a whole year had passed me by, with my eyes and ears closed, in fact all the senses must have been shut down.
Apart from this year I have vivid recollections of the sensory perceptions, from all other periods both preceding and following it. I can clearly attach names to faces, think back and associate sounds with events of years gone by and even odours bring back memories of nostalgia. Then there were flavours so delectable I can taste them on command, with a mere thought, and last but not least the feelings, those that last a life time, and can transport you back through time as if it were yesterday. I often marvel at the complexity of the sensory organs, namely the eyes, ears, nose, taste buds and the one that generates the feelings of sadness; awe; excitement; anger; peace; amazement; and love to name but a few, would that be the mind, heart or perhaps the soul? And all of these engineered by chance??

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