Thursday, August 20, 2009

What the eyes can't see 56

At this point I want to stress that Prayer is an important factor, when studying Gods word. I believe that just as the Bible was written with Divine inspiration, its truths are also revealed in like manner, by the Holy Spirit. I encourage you all to pray, prior to and after your study , ask the Lord to reveal, and impress His word upon your heart and mind, to enable you to impart it to others as He willed.
Write down the list of the five names and dates several days in a row until you have them solidly implanted in your mind, writing them down will help to reinforce your memory.

The Bible isn't intended to be a comprehensive history of the existence of Mankind on the earth. It is rather an account of the relationship of one man's family with the Creator of the Universe. And it is the record of that Creator's intention to bless all of Mankind through the descendants of that man. People are introduced in the early chapters of Genesis to the details of their own history, as a prelude to the history of the family of that one man, and his ancestors, who would inter-react some day with his descendants. That one man is Abraham. The early chapters in Genesis establish his lineage from Adam. After Abraham himself is introduced, the later chapters in Genesis follow his children, his grandchildren, and their descendants for a period of about 500 years, leading up to the time of Moses. (Galatians 3:29) If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
The creation of Adam was about 4000 B.C. The Flood of Noah's in about 2500 B.C. Once you have committed to memory that Abraham's lifetime centers generally around the time period of 2000 B.C., you can pinpoint the general time-frame of a number of Biblical events and characters. Abraham's son by his wife Sarah was Isaac. Isaac's son by his wife Rebekah was Jacob. You can read about the lives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in chapters (11 to 50 of Genesis). Any Bible stories which include these characters can be positioned shortly after 2000 B.C., long before Moses--who is the next person we will be discussing on our time-line, and who lived around the time of 1500 B.C.

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