Thursday, August 13, 2009

What the eyes can't see 50

I want to share some of what Ive learned over the years, as to how to study, and get a better understanding of the scriptures, and build a closer relationship to our Savior. The first thing we all need to do is to set aside time, now this is normally the problem. How much time is needed? and in these chaotic times, where on earth must I find extra time? when I don't even have enough to do my normal stuff. When it comes to our religion, we often tend to say, "well I go to church on Sundays, have fellowship on Wednesdays, spend some time reading my bible and pray most days when I need stuff, so surely this is enough. Ask yourself these few questions; How much time do I spend planning for my future? financial needs; leisure time: parties; household goods; sport; etc, and then ask yourself, how planned is my prayer life? Is prayer just that thing we do while laying in bed just before we doze off? and then mostly just to ask for something for ourselves or others.
I went through this ordeal for many years, who am I kidding, let me rephrase, for most of my life, never seeming to have enough time. What I discovered as a result, was that I was constantly searching for Gods presence, and looking for signs of confirmation of my salvation. I made a decision to commit at least a half an hour per day, to the study of Gods word, What I mean here is, a half hour, dedicated to a structured study of the bible, not just a random reading, or general reading through the scriptures, but getting to know Gods plan and purpose for my life. I signed up for a self paced bible study on the Internet, and that's where it all started, the half hour was great, but soon I found myself spending an hour and then two hours, and all of a sudden time wasn't a problem. You see as I became more involved in His word, worship and praise, God was making time available to me. I currently spend two hours in the morning, my lunch time, plus an hour at night, and then at least four hours on Saturday and two and a half on Sunday, this adds up to a staggering 24 hours a week, where did all this time come from? (2 Peter 1:5-7)For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love, read the rest of the chapter on the link. Make a commitment start even with ten minutes a day and you will be amazed at how God will add to your time. Study with me, I'll do the preparation and God will make the time.

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