When the world tumbles into recession and poverty, as in the past and even now in the present, you will find men who are driven by ulterior motives, asserting their wills on the masses, in the name of justice. Hitler was one of these men, look at this statement he made, it tells a story on its own. Christianity makes no distinction of race or of color; it seeks to break down all racial barriers. In this respect the hand of Christianity is against that of Nature, for are not the races of mankind the evolutionary harvest which Nature has toiled through long ages to produce?"
August of 2000, in the United Nations, the world religious leaders gathered to discuss global crisis situations. The UN general assembly hall, which is often filled with questions of war and discord, resounded with prayers, meditations and sacred ceremonies, as a distinguished and colorful delegation discussed the role of faith, love, and forgiveness in solving the world’s problems. The summit opened August 28, with the blowing of the conch by Swami Bua, the hundred and twelve year old ascetic who lives in New York City. The hall was then steeped in prayers offered from nearly every faith on earth: Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Shinto, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, indigenous faiths, Sikhism, Taoism and Baha', all the world’s religions. (Hinduism Today) So what do we see happening here? I would say it looks very much like someone trying to unite all religions into one.
Just over a year later we have a date that many will never forget 11 September 2001, and we all know how tragic that was. From that point on we have heard a lot of talk about religion and peace. It was on January 24, 2002 in Assisi, Italy that Pope John Paul II invited the religious leaders from around the world to gather for a day of prayer. Representatives included Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Shintoists, tribal religions, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Catholics, Lutherans, Quakers, Mennonites, and Orthodox Christians. So as you can see throughout the years, a trend developing, in a direction where things are headed. And of course we are being told the requirements for peace are to unify religions. In books like Earthminds and Communicating with the Living World of Gaia, they say it is all about science and understanding evolution. But when we look back historically, we see that the Greeks worshiped Gaia as a goddess. I think that there are few people today who are prepared to stand up for their beliefs, and there are many Christians among them, and they are all being swept along in a wave of worldly delusions, orchestrated by Satan.

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