Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What the eyes can't see 46

Geoffrey Miller, in the November 2006 edition of New Scientist said: “Evolutionary moral psychology will reveal the social conditions under which human moral virtues flourish. The US will follow the UK in realizing that religion is not a prerequisite for ordinary human decency. Thus, science will kill religion - not by reason challenging faith, but by offering a more practical, universal and rewarding moral framework for human interaction. A naturalistic moral philosophy will replace the rotting fictions of theological ethics.” Dr. John Bradshaw, Professor of Neuropsychology at Monash University Melbourne wrote: “Evolutional models are every bit as beautiful, intellectually and morally satisfying as the myths, stories and precepts of an ossified theology - and they can explain, predict and be applied in hosts of important and socially useful ways.
This is the kind of statements you can expect to find on websites of many an evolutionist/atheist, here is one come from the site of Richard Dawkins. We encourage you to make visits to our web site a part of your Atheist lifestyle. We also urge you to share Atheism with friends and family. We need to be activists for Atheism! By making your Atheism known to others, you will be surprised how easy it becomes for others to admit that perhaps they, too, are Atheists! The world will become a less lonely place in an otherwise unrelentingly religious society.
On the up side take note of two things 1) look at the word "Probably" on the bus, this must imply that he has doubts in his own beliefs, he's not sure. 2)The most visible proo
f that is staring us all in the face, of Gods existence,and has been throughout history is this, why does Richard Dawkins and others like him, go to so much trouble and expense to try and disprove that God exists, if they don't believe in Him? If anything they are confirming the fact that He does exist. This bus does regular tours, to spread the gospel of atheism. Looks to me like Satan has found himself a financial backer
( Mark4:15) Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them.
I hope this doesn't happen to any of you.

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